
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

Both morning practices are cancelled.

If any Little Sharks want to join the 9:15-10:15AM practice this morning, they are more than welcome.

Good morning!

Congratulations to the Sharks for kicking the season off with a win over the Marlins!

If you haven’t already, you can declare your swimmer for next Tuesday’s meet at East Rock.

– Declare ALL your swimmers with a response of attending or not attending by 2:00PM this Saturday prior to the swim meet. (This will be added to the calendar that can be found on the website)

  • – Individual entries (max 3) for ATTENDING swimmers are also due by 2:00PM this Saturday prior to the swim meet.
  • – Coach Amanda will enter Relay Teams by 12PM noon on the Sunday prior to the swim meet.
  • – Marissa will send a draft meet entry lineup to swim families on Sunday prior to the swim meet.
  • – Any changes to swim meet entries are due to Marissa Keagy by 5PM on Monday prior to the swim meet.

Additionally, Marissa plans to send a final swim entry and/or heat sheet to swim families on meet day due to the SwimminglyFan app not working on Android devices.

Thank you to all the volunteers that assisted with last night’s meet, it wouldn’t have happened without you. For the next meet there are a few slots still available so please sign up NOW. Swim Meets: June 27, 2023 Swim Meet @ ERRA (

Congratulations to Leana Surratt for being the winner for the 2023 Annual T-Shirt Design winner. Order your annual team shirt today – this is the shirt with swimmer/coaches names on the back.

As a reminder, we as a team must inspect all the bathrooms and tidy areas in need of cleaning after morning practices. PLEASE make sure to talk with your children about making sure they pick up any small pieces of toilet paper they may drop while using the bathroom, flushing the toilets, and that they inform you of any mishaps. We had a situation yesterday where a swimmer did not make it to the bathroom and clearly had a stomach issue and the volunteers that went to check/clean found it. First, if your child is having stomach issues or isn’t feeling well, do not bring them to practice. In this case, the pathogen body fluid could have caused the pool to shut down for the day. Second, I don’t think anyone ever wants to clean up someone else’s child’s body fluids.


2023 Broadway Sharks Gear Order Form

Apparel is basic 100% Cotton. Design will be on Carolina Blue. Swimmers/coaches names. Orders due by Friday, June 23, 2023 at 12:00PM.

Good evening,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Here are some highlights for this coming week – 

Practices – 

Monday – AM/PM 

Tuesday – AM/Away Meet at Massanutten

Wednesday – AM/PM

Thursday – AM/PM

Friday – AM

The meet will be at Massanutten beginning at 6PM. We still need volunteers – Swim Meets: June 20, 2023 Swim Meet @ Massanutten (

Swimmers need to check in by 5:15PM with Kelly Hill. Our team will warm up from 5:25-5:50PM.

  • Stonewall Terrace Pool, 3980 Massanutten Drive
  • Parking is limited. One below the pool, one above, and an overflow near the go carts.
  • Massanutten pool does not close until 5PM, so please don’t arrive too early.
  • There will be a concession stand (Pork BBQ sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, Little Debbies, Sno Cones, Assorted soda/gatorade, water, fresh fruit, lollipops)
  • It is VERY important to put your swimmer(s) three digit number on their body with a sharpie that is easily read and seen. From now on, please place a “B” prior to the number. Make sure it is legible as it is how their time gets recorded. 
  • Make sure you and your swimmer know which events they are swimming. Clerk of Course will assist them getting in the right lane and heat. However, the swimmer knowing that information helps too.
  • Remind your swimmer(s) to stay in the pool until all swimmers are done. Good sportsmanship is something Broadway strives for.
  • Make sure to bring extra towels/clothes for the swimmers as it will get cool.

Congratulations to Leana Surratt for being the winner for the 2023 Annual T-Shirt Design winner. More information about ordering shirts will be sent tomorrow. Second place went to Garrison Surratt which was design #4 and third to Ainsley Flora which was design #1.


Good morning,

Thank you everyone for their patients last night as we completed pictures, set up for the Mock Meet and during the Mock Meet. Some things to take note after last night and the first few weeks of practice.

– Remember we are customers of the pool.

– NO dogs are allowed inside the gated area (pool rule) You can sit outside the fence and still see the pool if you wish to bring your dog.

– NO smoking inside or under the overhang. Two cigarette butts have been found by pool staff near the bathrooms this week.

– NO parking in the grass. I don’t believe this has happened, but it is for when we have our home swim meets. Parking is available at Sunset Drive UMC, if needed. We will be telling the away team this as well.

– Do not block the entrance to the pool and spectators aren’t able to get into the pool until the initial set up for the meets are complete. This allows volunteers to set up faster. Please share this information with others from your party that may be coming to watch. 

– Please remind your children to flush the toilets after they use them.

Follow up to the Mock Meets – 

First of all…were there mistakes, yes. Is it okay, yes. A big part of having the Mock Meet is to get those mistakes out of the way prior to real meets. Have swimmers/coaches/parents learn the process and get jitters out of the way. We are lucky that our next three meets are away to get the full experience as visitors and not the home team. It also gets new swimmers times within the system to assist with placing them in the right heat within the events so they are racing other swimmers around the same level. 

Tuesday, June 20 – AWAY MEET – MASSANUTTEN

  • Declare ALL your swimmers with a response of attending or not attending by 2:00PM this Saturday prior to the swim meet. (This will be added to the calendar that can be found on the website)
  • Individual entries (max 3) for ATTENDING swimmers are also due by 2:00PM this Saturday prior to the swim meet.
  • Coach Amanda will enter Relay Teams by 12PM noon on the Sunday prior to the swim meet.
  • Marissa will send a draft meet entry lineup to swim families on Sunday prior to the swim meet.
  • Any changes to swim meet entries are due to Marissa Keagy by 5PM on Monday prior to the swim meet.

Additionally, Mariss plans to send a final swim entry and/or heat sheet to swim families on meet day due to the SwimminglyFan app not working on Android devices.
It is very important that we have ALL volunteer positions filled prior to the meet so we are not seeking volunteers and providing instructions more than once. As mentioned before, swim meets are no joke and they DO NOT happen without volunteers. A big shout out to all those that stepped up last night to help and make the meet happen. For the next meet (which will be held at Massanutten beginning at 6PM) – please sign up NOW.Swim Meets: June 20, 2023 Swim Meet @ Massanutten (

It is VERY important to put your swimmer(s) three digit number on their body with a sharpie that is easily read and seen. From now on, please place a “B” prior to the number.

Remind your swimmer(s) to stay in the pool until all swimmers are done. Good sportsmanship is something Broadway strives for.

We will share more information about arrival time, etc prior to Tuesday. Also, don’t forget today is the last day for your swimmer(s) to vote for their favorite t-shirt design. 2023 Annual Broadway T-Shirt Design Voting We have had 69 out of 159 swimmers vote.

Remember no practices on Friday night!


Good evening,


We are still in need of some parents to make their declaration on their swimmer(s) as well as making sure their swimmer(s) are registered in Swimmingly. 

If your swimmer(s) are not swimming in the meet, you need to go in and enter “no”. To make the declaration use the Swimmingly Clubhouse (Swimmingly ™). If you have a desktop, it is easier to do it.

We still need volunteers!!! A great time to practice for all positions! Shortest volunteer night of the season. Swim Meets: June 15, 2023 Mock Swim Meet (

Thursday Night

Please arrive no later than 6:45PM at Shelter 3 at the Broadway park (one near concession stand) for the team picture. If parents could drop swimmers off at the shelter and then go back towards the pool to reduce the amount of people trying to organize the kids for pictures. Swimmers are asked to wear their bathing suits.

For those that want individual pictures, please line up outside the fence area following the team picture and we will escort a few families in at a time until the pool is closed. Please make sure you have your order forms ready to go with exact payment. Not using credit cards will assist the process move faster. 

We will have forms at the pool tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening.

After pictures, make sure your swimmer(s) has a three digit code (found in swimminglyFan app – next to your swimmers name. Example BWAY 371) be written on your child’s body (arm/hand) where they can easily show it to a timer after they swim. Get used to sharpie drawings on your child(ren)…it is a BIG part of swimming. Some kids get very creative on meet nights.

We hope to begin the Mock Meet no later than 7:45. There is a lot of movement happening tomorrow night, so please be patient. We are going to try and make the meet as realistic as possible to assist those newer swimmers/families understand the process of organized chaos.

This Mock Meet is to help everyone get ready for how the process will work.


Thanks to everyone that came to the meeting tonight and signed up to volunteer. For those that missed it – here are the highlights – 

There are 139 swimmers, about 84 families and 165 volunteer opportunities just during swim meets. Each family is being asked to volunteer at least at two swim meets in some capacity. If you don’t want to volunteer, you may want to ask a friend to do it for you and buy them dinner. Volunteer information can be found here.

Updates from Coach Amanda – 

Daily Practice Themes – 

Monday – Man Eater

Tuesday – PreMeet Stations (Great time for swimmers to get some jitters out)

Wednesday – Resistance Training & Wacky Wednesday (After the first swim meet – also for us to use the deep end/diving board to bring back the full extent of Wacky Wednesday, we need to have a lifeguard on duty – if you know one that works at the pool…tell them it would be extra money)

Thursday – Breakdown of Strokes

Friday – Fin Friday

Equipment purchases are optional as we have peanuts, boards, and fins. However, we can’t guarantee that your child will get one if practice sizes are large. So if you wish to purchase your own, please feel free. 

It is important for swimmers to stretch prior to getting in the pool. Swimmers/parents can speak to coaches if they have a question or comment. Your swimmer will get out of the season what they put into the season. Advocating and Effort

All swimmers must swim two meets (not including the Mock Meet) to participate in Champs. You must declare your swimmer(s) each meet to let us know they will be attending or not attending. Swimmers can select up to three strokes to swim. Coaches will select relay teams. If you or your swimmer is questioning a stroke for your child, speak to a coach. For the mock meet only doing freestyle and backstroke.

Communication is important for swim meets and the season. 

Coach Amanda can be reached at, through the RemindMe App, or before or after practices. Please be respectful of times you message her and she will not respond over the weekends as she is off.

Board Member Updates

Communication – Facebook (Broadway Sharks Swim Team); RemindMe App (Class Code @bwaysharks); Website (, and Email (

Shark Gear VS. Annual T-Shirt  – 

Shark Gear is available to order NOW through Thursday at 12PM. This is apparel with the Broadway Sharks Logo only.

Annual T-Shirt voting is taking place until Friday. After the design is selected, these will go on sale next week. This includes all swimmers and coaches names on the back. 

Swim Meet Apps

Swimmingly – Light Blue (Starter, Timer, and Stroke and Turn) *Stroke and Turn doesn’t work on Andriods

Swimmingly – Dark Blue (Meet Information) *Doesn’t work on NEW Androids

– Search Broadway: 2023 – Summer Season

– Swimmers three digit code number (also available in Swimmingly Clubhouse)

Swim Meets

Declaring your swimmer (done through the Swimmingly Clubhouse website – NOT App). You must declare whether your swimmer will be attending or not attending for EVERY meet. An email was sent out about the Mock Meet – deadline is Wednesday.

Order of Events – Look at this to see when the best time would be to volunteer.

Events vs. Heats – Within each event there are several heats. This is why it is important to declare your swimmer as numbers and events they want to swim affect the number of heats we need to have. 

Sharpies and Swim Just Go Together

Swimmers will most likely be getting friends/family members to draw Sharks and words on their bodies prior to swim meets. This is encouraged as we love to see the artists in the Shark Family. Eat My Bubbles is a popular phrase! 

Three digit swim numbers – your swimmer must have their swim number on a location they can easily show the timers once they complete a swim. We suggest the hand or shoulder. If you have 6’s or 9’s – DO SHOULDER so there is no confusion.

Events/Heats – It is common for swimmers to place their stroke/event/heat on their arms so they know when they are to swim and what stroke they are swimming. This is encouraged!!!! Please note that some heats may change if kids are out sick, etc. The event will help them know when to head to Clerk of Course. The Clerk of Course will help them find their place. 

I forgot to grab the picture forms before the meeting, so if you did not receive one, they are at the pool. 

Marissa reviewed the changes to Swimmingly – also is looking for someone interested in training during meets. BEST SEAT in the HOUSE with SHADE!

I think I captured everything. VOLUNTEER – IT TAKES A VILLAGE. If we don’t have enough volunteers, the kids are the ones that suffer (YOUR SWIMMER IS INCLUDED).


Sharks Gear orders will be due by June 15, 2023 @ 12:00PM. This is NOT the annual team t-shirt design that has the team/coaches names on the back! Click here to order.

Cash or checks will be accepted during designated practices.

Good evening,

Tomorrow kicks off our morning and evening practices. It also is the week of the All Things Swim Meeting, team pictures and our Mock Meet. Please see below for more information.

We still need volunteers to check/spray down bathrooms. Sign up now.

Monday –

– Morning (8:30 – 9:15 & 9:15 – 10:15) and Evening (7:10 – 8:00 & 8:00 – 9:00) Practices

– All Things Swim Meeting (7:15PM @ Sunset Drive UMC – church across from pool – side entrance off parking lot)

Tuesday –

– Morning (8:30 – 9:15 & 9:15 – 10:15) and Evening (7:10 – 8:00 & 8:00 – 9:00) Practices

Wednesday –

– Morning (8:30 – 9:15 & 9:15 – 10:15) and NO EVENING PRACTICE

Thursday –

– Morning (8:30 – 9:15 & 9:15 – 10:15)

– Team pictures at 6:45PM.Please arrive a little prior to 6:45PM so we are ready to go. The team picture will be taken outside the pool area.

– Individual pictures will be taken inside the pool. Please line up outside the pool along the building on the sidewalk and we will be calling in a few swimmers at a time as the pool will still be open. Swim forms will be available at the All Things Swim Meeting and other practices.

– Mock Meet – We hope to get the Mock Meet up and running no later than 7:45PM. We are not able to begin setup until 7:20. We still need VOLUNTEERS – Sign Up Now!

* A make-up date for pictures will be announced later this week. If your child is not able to participate in the Mock Meet, it is okay. We hope all that can, it will help with practice placements moving forward. 

Friday –

– Morning (8:30 – 9:15 & 9:15 – 10:15) and NO EVENING PRACTICE
