- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: April 30, 2012
VOLUNTEERS: As with every other sport, the Sharks need volunteers. Positions range from timer to concessions to runners to stroke & turn judges. If you have any interest in any volunteer position, please contact Sharon Armentrout (271-1389, armentrout.sharon@va.sysco.com) – there will also be sign up sheets at Fun Day and the Ice Cream Social.
CONCESSIONS: At each of our home meets, we will provide concessions. This is an excellent fund raising opportunity for us and keeps the cost of our program to a minimum. This year we will need parent volunteers to cook/serve during the meets, and we are hoping to get LOTS of volunteers – the more folks we have helping out, the less time each will need to work! Also, we will need some food to be donated by parents – the more donations – the more money we have for the kids! We will need the following donations for home meets:
Drinks: Gatorade (20 oz.), Water (16 oz.), Coke Products (cans)
Pasta Salad
We are well-known for our Taco Salad (my personal favorite!) and we will need the following items donated in order to keep providing it on the menu:
30 pounds of ground beef.
2 – 70 oz containers of Salsa (available at Costco)
1 5 pound bag shredded cheddar cheese (available at Costco)
10 large bags nacho chips
2 – #10 cans (1 gallon) cheddar cheese sauce
Taco seasoning (store brand is fine)
3 bags of salad mix (available at Costco)
Please contact Julie Jones julanddarren@gmail.com to let her know what you are willing to donate. Sign up sheets for concession donations will also be available at Fun Day and the Ice Cream Social.