
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team


The countdown begins to kick off the 2023 swim season with the first practice scheduled for one week from tonight! Swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool to join. We will have one Test the Waters (registration required) night on Tuesday, May 30 for those that are unsure whether their swimmer can swim the length of the pool. Please note that we are still finalizing paperwork with the Town of Broadway and we are planning to have everything in place ready to kick off the season next week. A lot has been happening behind scenes and some of the documents needed are still being fine tuned. We are excited that we have 89 swimmers already registered for the 2023 season and we know more are planning to register. 

Updates are still needed, but a good amount of up-to-date information is already on our website. Sharks – Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team (

Practices (May 31-July 29) Champs (July 29): Last day to register for the 2023 season is Friday, June 2, 2023.

 * Swimmers should bring a towel, goggles, and wear a one-piece bathing suit. Girls should have hair up. Swim caps will be available for purchase.

* We request bathing suits be green or black. They can be purchased on SwimOutlet, Amazon or some might become available for free or for a small price from swimmers that have outgrown their old ones. If you are one of these people, please respond to this email with more details about your suit.

Schedule Monday through Friday AM: Little Sharks (10 & Under) practice is from 8:30am – 9:15am and the Big Sharks (11 & Up) practice is from 9:15-10:15am. Please note morning practices do not begin until Monday, June 12, 2023. If you swam in a different age group than you were last year, please continue in that group unless otherwise notified.

Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday PM: Little Sharks (10 & Under) practice is from 7:00pm – 8:00pm and the Big Sharks (11 & Up) practice is from 8:00-9:00pm. Please note, no practices on Wednesday, June 14 or Tuesday, July 4. If you swam in a different age group than you were last year, please continue in that group unless otherwise notified.

Pick up and drop off: Swimmers will enter and exit practice through the main gate. Parents/guardian’s should not leave the immediate area (pool parking lot or park) in the event swimmers need to be dismissed, including due to weather.

Coming to practice: Please arrive to practice no more than 10 minutes before the start of practice and no later than the time of the start of practice. If attending the first group evening practice, all (including parents) should remain outside of the gates until after warmups. This will allow for the guests of the pool to leave and pool staff to clean the area. Come ready to swim with a suit on. If you have a pool pass and are at the pool that day, you will need to gather all your items and exit the pool and wait until the team is able to enter. Do not come to practice if you aren’t feeling well.  

Leaving practice: Make sure to clean up the area that you placed your items prior to leaving. This includes putting chairs back to their original spot, picking up trash, etc.  Please exit the pool area promptly.

Practice Cancelled Notification: We will do our best to notify you of practice cancellations as early as possible. The Broadway Sharks use Remind as our communication platform. Please download this app and enter the following class code @bwaysharks. Cancellations are typically due to weather, but sometimes the pool has unexpected maintenance they have to do while the pool is closed.

Meet Information: Meets are as follows: June 20, 27, July 5, 11, and 18, 2023. Champs will be held on Saturday, July 29 at Westover due to JMU’s pool being renovated. To participate in Champs, swimmers have to participate in at least two regular season meets.

Annual Team T-shirt:  2023 T-shirt designs* are due June 9th; voting will take place June 12-16 during practices. Orders will be taken June 19-23. Previous Winner Designs.

* The design for this t-shirt is a contest. Swimmers are invited to design the front of the t-shirt. Entries should be on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of plain paper and scanned and emailed to Designs must be in no more than two colors.

Shark Gear: This is different from the annual team t-shirt. More information will be sent soon and will be available on the website.

Pictures: Pictures will be taken at the pool by Christa Gitchell on Thursday, June 15th. This is on the same night as the Mock Meet.

Facebook Page: If you haven’t already, please go and join the group and then add your Facebook friends that are also members of the Sharks. Here is the link for the Sharks Facebook page, this is a closed group:

Volunteers: An email about volunteer opportunities will be sent over the weekend. However, swimming takes a VILLAGE…it is like no other sport and it takes a lot of volunteers to participate in a swim meet.

If you have been a Stroke and Turn Judge before, you can recertify by using the link below for $25. Send a copy of your certificate to the and we will get you reimbursed.…

Head Coach: Amanda Nesselrodt

2023 Board members include:

Jen Dove

Kelly Hill  

Erica Kann, President
Marissa Keagy
Aarika Malca
John Skelly
Lanette Smith, Treasurer

General email for the Sharks is We are always open for comments and suggestions, so feel free to contact us!

GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!