Author: Kanne
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 14, 2021
Good afternoon,
It is hard to believe we are in our third week of the 2021 swim season.
Please note that there will not be Wednesday night practices this week or next. The pool will be using these two nights for make up pool parties. The weeks schedule will be as follows: Monday – Friday morning and Monday, Tuesday, and, Thursday evening
The swim schedule is now posted on the website. More information will be sent by Wednesday about our first swim meet which will be at home. We will need volunteers! Champs will be held on Saturday, July 31 at JMU (more information to come).
Christa Gitchell will be taking individual and team photos next Monday, June 21. Individual pictures will begin at 6:45PM and a team photo will be taken at 7:15PM. Please be mindful that the pool will be open between 6:45 – 7:00. We will begin handing out order forms tomorrow. An electronic version was sent through email. Make up pictures will be taken Thursday, July 8.
We will begin handing out information tomorrow. I have created a Facebook event that provides more details. The Duck Race will be held on Saturday, July 10 at 10AM at Heritage Park. We hope that all swimmers will participate in selling tickets.
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 14, 2021
Current 2021 swimmers, we invite you vote for your favorite design. Click the number UNDER your favorite picture to vote! Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom! We have 21 amazing designs! 1 vote per swimmer please. Voting is open until 11:59PM Wednesday, June 16, 2021. The winning design will be announced on Thursday.…/1FAIpQLSc3Cf7sVZnn…/viewform
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 10, 2021
Good afternoon,
Please be mindful that the Broadway Pool doesn’t close until 7PM and evening practices don’t begin until 7:10PM. Unless you are already in the pool area, please wait to enter closer to practice time to allow for pool staff to clean the pool deck before entering. Also, please leave the entrance way clear to allow those enjoying the pool until closing to exit.
We have had several t-shirt designs submitted, thank you. Swimmers have until tomorrow tomorrow submit them. Voting will begin on Monday.
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 8, 2021
Good Afternoon,
Congratulations to all swimmers on a successful first week of the season! As we move into the second week below are some updates and announcements for all families.
Practices for the week of June 7th
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
Thursday PM
Friday AM
Practices beginning June 14th and forward Monday AM & PM
Tuesday* AM (PM swim meet or practice)
Wednesday** AM
Thursday AM & PM
Friday AM
Practice Times
Morning – Little Sharks 8:45 – 9:30AM & Big Sharks 9:30 – 10:30AMEvening – Little Sharks 7:10 – 8:00PM & Big Sharks 8:00 – 9:00PM
*Practice will also be held on Tuesday evenings when we do not have a swim meet.
**Practice will be held on Wednesday evenings when the pool is available for our use. We will send out a notification on Tuesday evenings regarding Wednesday PM practices.
Payment & Wavier Forms Due All waivers and payments are due no later than this Friday morning (June 11th). Beginning with practices on June 14th, swimmers will not be allowed to practice until payment is received.
Practice Cancelation/Delay InformationInclement weather will occasionally interfere with practices and swim meets. We are utilizing the Remind App and the Broadway Sharks Facebook Group to share all delay and cancelation information. Stop by the registration table during a practice if you would like assistance getting signed up for these notifications.
This information can also be found on the website. Sharks – Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team (
Remember to submit your Annual T-Shirt Designs by this Friday. Annual Team T-shirt Design Contest – Sharks (
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 4, 2021
Good afternoon,
It was great to see so many swimmers in the pool. The number of swimmers per practice will decrease when morning practices begin. To keep up with emails and information, please use the Broadway Sharks website. Sharks – Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team (
To become a Stroke & Turn Judge for the season, attend one of the two virtual training sessions being offered. This is one volunteer position we must have for meets.
Topic: VSL Officials training, Monday, June 7 6-7:30pm
Time: Jun 7, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Topic: VSL Officials training, Saturday, June 12 9-10:30am
Time: Jun 12, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 3, 2021
2021 T-shirt designs are due June 11th. They can be submitted in-person or electronically to Voting will be open for swimmers to vote electronically June 14-16. Orders will be taken through the website June 17-23. Names of team members are on the back of these shirts. The design for this t-shirt is a contest. Swimmers are invited to design the front of the t-shirt. Entries should be on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of plain paper (printer or cardstock) no lined paper. Designs must be in no more than two colors.2019 and 2020 designs can be found on the website
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: June 2, 2021
Good evening,
There isn’t a pool party scheduled for tomorrow night, so we WILL have practices. Little Sharks (10- & Under) is from 7:10PM – 8:00PM. Big Sharks (11 & Up) will be from 8:00 – 9:00PM.
You are no longer required to sign up to attend practices as you are able.
If you didn’t pay tonight, we will have the table set up this week and next week. Shark gear is on sale through the link that you registered on. You can pay for that now.
If you think you missed anything, please visit the website.
Swim caps are available for $10 at the pool.
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: May 30, 2021
Good evening all –
The Board met tonight to discuss the upcoming season following the lifting of CoVID-19 restrictions by the Governor of Virginia. The Board has decided to go back to two practice groups with the same times as in 2019. At this time, no sign ups for practice are required and we are not limiting the size of the practices.
We ask that parents speak to their children about respecting other swimmers’ spaces. Parents may be on the swim deck during practice, but we ask that you bring your own chairs. This will cut down on the amount of cleaning that we need to do after practice.
Practices this week will be as follows –
Tuesday, Wednesday (if no pool party), and Thursday Night
7:10PM – 8:00PM Little Sharks (Swimmers 10 & under); 8:00PM – 9:00PM Big Sharks (Swimmers 11 & up)
Due to temperatures this week, we will not have practice this Wednesday morning. However, here are the times for practices when morning practices resume begin.
8:45AM – 9:30AM Little Sharks (Swimmers 10 & under); 9:30AM – 10:30AM Big Sharks (Swimmers 11 & up)
Our first meet will be on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. More information will be shared once more information is known. Currently, we still do not know if Champs will occur, but all other swim meets are scheduled to occur as previously announced.
We are still searching for the following volunteers –• Meet Director (more than one and Beth is happy to train this year).• Volunteer Coordinator• Clerk of Course Coordinator• Concessions Committee• Fundraiser Committee
Team registration will continue over the next two weeks. Swimmers still must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted. Encourage your friends to register at Sharks – Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team (
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: May 26, 2021
The Sharks swim team this year will only be able to accommodate children that can swim the length of the pool. If you have signed your child up or are considering signing them up and unsure if they are able to do this, please sign up for the Test the Waters event. Coach Amanda Nesselrodt will have the children get in the water to get comfortable, play Red Light Green Light at the edge of the pool, have the children swim a short length and if they pass that, they will be asked to swim the entire length of the pool.
This is due to safety as we can’t have the junior coaches in the water with the children and due to the limited number of slots during each swim practice.
Looking for swim lesson? Contact Coach Carla Regginello.
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: May 25, 2021
It’s (finally) that time again! Time to get geared up for the Broadway Sharks Summer League swim season; please read through the following information to help you get ready for the 2021 Shark Season! This year swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool to join. This is because, to maintain social distancing, we will not have junior coaches in the pool helping little sharks across the pool. The links below connect to our old website and we are working to get that updated with current information, but I feel like a lot of the information will be helpful for at least the new families. Thank you again for your patience, all board members are VOLUNTEERS and work full-time in other careers.
- Practices (June 1st-July 24 (If champs July 31): Swimmers will be assigned to a practice group based on their age and ability. You will be informed of your child’s assignment by email no later than Monday, May 31. Last day to sign up is Friday, May 28, 2021.
- Swimmers should bring a towel, goggles, and wear a one-piece bathing suit. Girls should have hair up. Swim caps will be available for purchase.
- Schedule Monday through Friday AM (see attached schedule for June): First group’s practice will start at 8:00 am and the last group’s practice will end at 10:20 am.
- Schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday PM (see attached schedule for June): The first group’s practice will start at 7:10 pm and the last group’s practice will end at 9:30 pm. Wednesday night practices will be held IF NO POOL PARTY is scheduled. You can sign up for this practice and will be notified 24 hours prior to the Wednesday night practice.
- Pick up and Drop off: Swimmers will enter practice through the main gate and exit at the side gate. Whoever is providing transportation for your swimmer should meet your swimmer near the side gate when you see them approaching. Parents/guardian’s should not leave the immediate area (pool parking lot or park) in the event swimmers need to be dismissed, including due to weather. Only Little Sharks practice may have parents/spectators on deck. All other practices parents/spectators must watch from outside the gates.
- Signing up for practices: Swimmers will sign up for practices using (same link as sign ups).
- During the first week please do not sign up for practices until Monday, May 31 when everyone has been assigned a group. Swimmers will be able to sign up for two practices due to the limited number of practices. If spots are still available come Tuesday at noon, you may register for one additional practice.
- Following the first week, swimmers may initially sign up for up to four (4) practices each week. On Sunday, prior to the upcoming weeks practices, swimmers may sign up for additional practices if openings are available. If you find you cannot make a practice that you signed up for, please sign OUT asap so that someone else can sign up in your spot.
- Coming to practice: Please arrive to practice no more than 10 minutes before the start of practice and no later than the time of the start of practice. Please maintain proper distance on deck. Come ready to swim with suit on. Do not come to practice if you aren’t feeling well. Coaches will check swimmers in during warm-ups.
- Leaving practice: Please exit the pool immediately after practice. You will exit through the side gate and be checked out. Do not use the locker room to change. We have less than 10 minutes to change over from one practice to the next.
- Practice Cancelled Notification: We will do our best to notify you of practice cancellations as early as possible. The cancellation platform information will be sent before next week.
- Meet Information: Due to COVID, we are unsure about how all the meets will work. We will have five meets. Some may be held in-person and some will be virtual. With virtual meets, each team swims at its own pool and times are combined electronically to determine place. Our first two meets are home and we will be providing details as they become available. All meets are scheduled on Tuesday evenings. Meets are as following: June 22, 29, July 6, 13, and 20, 2021. At this time, we don’t think Champs is going to be possible; however, we are waiting for the final decision on that.
10. Annual Team T-shirt: 2021 T-shirt designs* are due June 11th; voting will take place June 14-16 during practices. Orders will be taken June 17-23. Names of team members are on the back of the shirt. 2019/2020 Winners
- The design for this t-shirt is a contest. Swimmers are invited to design the front of the t-shirt. Entries should be on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of plain paper (printer or cardstock) no lined paper. Designs must be in no more than two colors.
- Shark Gear: These orders will be taken online and will be due June 9, 2021. This is different than the annual team t-shirt. More information will soon be available on the website.
- Pictures: Pictures will be taken at the pool by Christa Gitchell on Monday, June 21st – Please fill out the order form before arriving at the pool and have payment ready (check and exact cash only) to minimize the exchange of items. Order forms will be available at practice prior to photo day.
- Fee Schedule: 1st swimmer $ 80.00, 2nd swimmer $ 70.00, 3rd swimmer & additional $ 60.00 Please note that you will need to bring exact change or a check made payable to “Broadway Sharks” (sorry, we won’t have change available at signups). Swimmers and parents must sign a waiver before their first practice. Waiver is attached to this email. Please print and bring to first practice. Payment and waiver must be placed in an envelope (not sealed) that is clearly marked with swimmer names. Please bring payment to the first two weeks of practice. All payments are due by Friday, June 11, 2021.
14. Facebook Page: Please go and join the group and then add your Facebook friends that are also members of the Sharks. Here is the link for the Sharks Facebook page, this is a closed group:
15. Stroke & Turn (Parents) – Mark your calendars! Stroke and Turn Judge trainings will be held virtually (live) on Monday, June 7 from 6-7:30PM and Saturday, June 12 from 9-10:30AM. Attending one session is required to be a Stroke and Turn Judge. This role is important as we need Judges to be able to have swim meets. More information will follow, but please mark your calendars or email if you plan to attend.
- If you have been a Stroke and Turn Judge before, you can re-certify by using the link below for $25.
16. Registration/Password – Please write down your log in information. The self-service password reset is not yet set up and at this time we are unable to reset it for you. We can delete your user account from the website’s database (just your user account … not all the information you entered!). Then you can register for a new account, using the same email address. Once your login, the website will see that the new account’s email address matches up to the email address you used when entering your “parent” information. (I tried this out with a test account and it worked.)
17. COVID-19 Guidelines: Please read and adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines in the attached document. We risk losing our ability to practice at Broadway Pool if these guidelines are not followed. Please set a good example for all.
18. Contact information: Our head coach is Amanda Nesselrodt ( Board members include:
Andrea Strawderman
Lanette Smith
Erica Kann
Sharon Armentrout
Beth Arnold
Marissa Keagy
Robin Anderson
Mariea McNeill
Jane Villard
We are always open for comments and suggestions, so feel free to contact us!
GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!