
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

Great job swimmers on the meet last night against Massanutten!  We saw more individual improvements and good sportsmanship!   Broadway came out on top with a score of 319 to Massanutten at 231.  

Thanks again to all of our volunteers!  It takes many hands for each swim meet and we appreciate everyone stepping in to make it happen.

Attached are the results in a PDF format and are also available in the Swimmingly Clubhouse.

Go Sharks!

Make sure to submit your Duck Race money if you haven’t already done so. If the money isn’t in, the duck will not count. If you haven’t sold your ducks, please return them so we can get them sold! We have people that are interested in buying some. I will be at the meet tonight, if you wish to bring them.

Tuesday, July 6 – Away meet at Massanutten (see earlier email)

Wednesday, July 7 – No Wednesday evening practices for the rest of the season. There are parents willing to help transport swimmers to morning practices, if needed.

Thursday, July 8 – Make up pictures at 7:30PM

Saturday, July 10 – Duck Race @ 10AM at Heritage. Winners will be posted following the races.

Tuesday, July 13 – Away meet at East Rock (more information to come). If you want to order concessions you need to pre-order by Thursday, July 8. East Rock serves Chick-fil-a Sign up to volunteer – Swim Meets: July 13, 2021 Swim Meet (

Tuesday, July 20 – Away meet at Ashby (More information to come). Sign up to volunteer – Swim Meets: July 20, 2021 Swim Meet (

Saturday, July 31 – Champs will be held at James Madison University, Godwin Hall (More information to come). Want to purchase a heat sheet ad to advertise your business or wish your swimmer(s) luck, please see below, and attached for more information. Entries are due to no later than Friday, July 16.

Heat Sheets refers to an 8.5×11  booklet of information given out at champs which contains the competitive heat sheet/meet line up, as well as team rosters, advertisements, commemorative picture ads congratulating swimmers, etc. Ads are black and white UNLESS you purchase the inside front cover, inside back cover, or back cover (see last paragraph). Date Will Be Announced Soon – End of the Year Picnic/Awards. 

Housekeeping items –

  1. Ribbons will be handed out for placing first through eighth for the previous two meets tomorrow morning (Wednesday). Participation ribbons will be available later.
  2. Pictures are available for pick up.

Go Sharks!


The results from the June 29th meet against Spotswood are attached and also available in the Swimmingly Clubhouse.  The final score was Broadway 243 and Spotswood 306.  We saw some improvements on individual times! Great job swimmers!

Once again…A big thank you also goes out to all of our volunteers and donations for the meet – we could not have done it without you. 

Go Sharks!

Hello Shark Families!
I know most swimmers and families are anxiously awaiting the results of last night’s meet.  Once the final results are ready, we will be sure to pass them along….hopefully soon!
In the meantime, let’s get ready for Meet #2!   This will be a home meet against Spotswood.  Both teams will be present in person for this meet.

We need all swimmers to complete a meet information form online at by Thursday, June 24th at 10pm.  This form lets the coaching staff know who will be participating in the meet and their interest in events.  It’s also helpful to know who will not be attending.  The coaching staff does have final say for meet entries and relays, however, we appreciate input from our swimmers.    

Swim meets take many volunteers! Sign up here today for the June 29th meet –

Sign up here to donate items for concessions –  Donations can be dropped off at the Shark Shed during any practice or at the concessions table by 5pm on June 29th.  

Go Sharks!

Sharks Gear and Team T-Shirt orders are due tonight at midnight.
If you wish to purchase any of these items, please order online. Broadway Sharks. Please note since the team t-shirts are sold separately they won’t appear in your cart on your Sharks Gear will. Next year, this feature will be fixed. I have attached a list of current orders. Plan to pay with a check (made payable to Broadway Sharks) at the next practice you attend! 

Parents PLEASE check the spelling of your child(rens) names in the registration. Names for the back of the t-shirts will be taken from what you entered in the registration. If the name is misspelled in the registration (typos happen to us all!) then it will be incorrect on the back of the t-shirt.


THIS JUST IN: our team shirt contest supplier is now able to offer long sleeve t-shirts and hoodies as well!!!👏🦈❤

If you would like to place an additional order for a long sleeve t-shirt ($18) or hoodie ($25) with our winning design & team members names on the back please email Nory Fletcher at with:
1. Swimmer name
2. Garment type(s)& sizes
3. Plan to pay with a check (made payable to Broadway Sharks) at the next practice you attend!
Go Sharks!  

Good afternoon,
We are in need of volunteers for the meet tomorrow night! Volunteers are an important part of being a part of the swim team family. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so now. Swim Meets: June 22, 2021 Swim Meet (
Relay Take Offs – One person during relays (events 1-7 during first half, and event 52, 33, 60-62 during first half) to confirm legal (swimmer waits for swimmer to touch) take-offs of all relays. 
Timers – Beginner position. Record times for one lane of swimmers using your own phone. Attend briefing at 5:40 (prior to meet), and work 1/2 meet.  

Here is a list of compatible devices (IOS devices are listed at the top of the page and Android devices are listed at the bottom) – Please make sure your device is up to date and that you also have the correct version of the Swimmingly app or Swimmingly Timer app (Android).

I recommend viewing 2 videos to increase your familiarity prior to the meet.  Please view the “Device Setup” and “Timer” video as the following link: 
Sweep Judge – Identifying finishing order of races. Work 1/2 meet.
Clerk of Course – Beginner position. Organize swimmers into lanes in the clerk of course area. On the job training and work 1/2 meet.
Please let me know if you have any questions.Erica

Hello Shark Families!

It’s almost time for our first swim meet of the season!  Below you should find all of the information you need to make this a fun evening for your swimmer.
First things first…..

  • Review the attached meet line up.
  • Is your swimmer listed?
    • If Yes, review the events that they are enrolled in.  Please email with any questions by Sunday at 7pm.  It is super important to let us know if you have a change of plans and are signed up for a relay.
    • If No….
      • If your swimmer is not listed and they plan to participate in the meet, please email by Sunday at 7pm.
      • If your swimmer is not listed and they will not be at the meet, you don’t need to do anything.  We will miss you and hope you are just vacationing and plan to participate in a future meet.
  • A heat sheet will be emailed on Tuesday and also published to the Swimmingly Fan app.
  • Volunteers Needed:  In order to hold the swim meet, we need more volunteers (most are needed during the 2nd half).  Sign up here today:  If you have questions about what a specific role includes, please reach out to   

What does my swimmer need for a swim meet?

  • Swimsuit
  • Towel (Extra towels are great to have too)
  • Swim Cap (not a requirement, but encouraged)
  • Goggles
  • Permanent Marker(s)
  • Snacks, drinks and money for concessions

What do my friends and family need for a swim meet?

  • Chairs or blankets to sit on during the meet
  • Swimmingly Fan app on your phone – You can view the latest heat sheet and track your swimmer on the app.  You can also review results from the meet on this app.
  • Money for concessions – this is a great way to support the Broadway Sharks team during home meets.

What events will my swimmer be participating in?

  • A draft heat sheet will be emailed to families prior to the meet, however, it’s a good idea to check the Swimmingly Fan app or the information on the fence for the final meet information.  This document will provide your swimmer number, event numbers, heat number and lane number.   Swimmers mainly need to know their swimmer number and event number.   When they report to the Clerk of Course area, volunteers will be ready to guide your swimmer to the correct heat and lane (sometimes there are last minute changes so the information you see on the heat sheet may not be accurate).
  • If you have questions about your swimmers events when reviewing the draft meet lineup, please email no later than the Sunday evening by 7pm prior to the meet date.  

Steps for the swimmer on swim meet day.

  • Arrive at the pool at 5pm.
  • Check out the meet lineup at the fence (located near the area of practice warm ups at the Broadway pool).  Find your swimmer number and event numbers.
  • Write your swimmer number on your hand in permanent marker as pictured here.  The “B” in front of the number alerts the timer that your swimmer is with the Broadway team.
  •                                  IMG_4368.jpg
  • Write your event numbers on your arm.  This is not required, but is a fun part of the meet experience for swimmers!  It helps our swimmers remember their event numbers so they don’t need to keep returning to the lineup sheet or asking a parent!
  • Listen for Coach Amanda or other coaches to begin warm-ups.  (Around 5:20 pm for home meets)
  • 6:00 pm – Swim Meet Begins 
  • Look for the Clerk of Course sign that shows when swimmers should be heading towards the clerk of course area to prepare for their event.   The Clerk of Course will be a block of chairs set up in rows of six behind the diving boards. If you don’t know where this is located, ask a friend or anyone you see at the pool.  New swimmers can find another swimmer to help guide them.

Happy Swimming and Go Sharks!!!!

Pictures are scheduled for this evening beginning at 7PM. Team pictures are scheduled for 7:45PM. Practice will be held as normal. 

With the pool closing at 7PM, please line up outside the main gates if you arrive prior to 7PM. A board member or Christa will direct you into the pool when they are ready. 

If weather cancels pictures, they will be rescheduled for Thursday, June 24. An announcement will be posted on Facebook and through the Remind App. 

Makeup pictures are scheduled for Thursday, July 8.

Good afternoon,
I know there is a lot of information coming your way as the first meet is quickly approaching. Bullet points below of items that need to be completed.
Tuesday, June 22 Meet – Completed by tonight – Wednesday, June 16

Friday, June 18 Mock Swim Meet – This is to provide an opportunity for everyone (mainly for new software) to test things out. Great time to volunteer for the first time or try out a new position.


MEET INFO – June 22, 2021

Swimmers will need to be at the pool at 5:00 pm.

Broadway’s warm ups will begin at 5:20 pm.

Meet will begin at 6 (weather permitting) no later than 7 and must conclude by 10pm whether they are completed.  The swimmers have been working on good sportsmanship during practice, so try to remind them – when you finish a race, stay in the water until EVERYONE in the heat has finished. The first meet with it being virtual, events will move faster.

The swim meets are “organized chaos” so be patient as everyone finds their places!  Remember to ask any parent around you if you have questions; they will be happy to help you. Swimmers will need to look for the number charts for their events at the Clerk of Course – the Clerk of Course will be a block of chairs set up in rows of six behind the diving boards.  Once the swimmer reports to the Clerk of Course, the folks who are working will line them up and get them to where they need to be.  Parents of young swimmers might want to wait at the end of their lane with a towel to greet them and congratulate them after they finish! 


It is most important to sign out your swimmer if they aren’t able to attend a meet by filling out the following link. Please do this by Wednesday, June 16, 2021. This sign out is only for the June 22, 2021 meet.


If your child would like to inform the strokes they are interested in swimming, please complete the following form by Wednesday, Jun 16, 2021. (same form – it will ask you additional questions)) Swimmers are able to swim up to 3 individual and 2 relay races. This process will be for this meet only. In the future you will declare swimmers within the Swimmingly App.

If you have not yet registered your swimmers for Swimmingly® please make sure you do that now! You must register your swimmers to participate in the season. This will be your home for results, declarations, best times and MORE!

The steps below are required for ALL (new and returning) swimmers to swim in a meet this season. Please help us so we can get ready for the swim season!
Please follow these steps to enter each of your swimmers:

1. Sign-up for your Swimmingly Clubhouse account at
2. Go to the Broadway sign up page at
 – Once logged in, enter your swimmer sign-up code (copy and paste):26880f6a-3afc-11eb-83f7-c2b3e1fb23ce
3. Choose the swim season you want to sign your children up for!
4. Select your children. If you have any children that are new to the team or that you don’t see listed, you can click the ‘Add Swimmer’ button to add them. Click Submit.
5. Once you see all your swimmers listed, click the radio box to select your swimmers and click ‘Sign-Up!’
6. The team has already paid the fees for  your swimmer so not payment information should be requested.
7. That’s it! your children are ready for a fun swim season 🏊‍♂️😄🏊‍♀️

If you need a friendly video for a visual, watch this:


Since the first meet is virtual we have to fill all volunteer positions. We are looking for volunteers to shadow the meet director this season to assist us in the future. Sign up by clicking the following link. Please note that the times may not match up exactly. We will need volunteers for the entire meet, but they are broken into two parts. The first half of the meet (through event 30)  and the second half (starting at event 31). Swim Meets: June 22, 2021 Swim Meet (

First year participating? Information about competitive swimming can be found here. Order of events can be found here. How to read results can be found here.

All Meets:

·         Timer – Beginner position. Record times for one lane of swimmers using your own phone. (Download the Swimmingly app – not Swimmingly Fan). Attend briefing at 5:40 (prior to meet), and work ½ of meet. See every start & finish up close.

·         Clerk of Course – Beginner position, can be done with small children. Organize swimmers into lanes in the clerk of course area. On the job training and work ½ of the meet.

·         Stroke and Turn Judges – Requires prior training. Watch each event to ensure legal strokes and turns by swimmers. Attend briefing at 5:40 (prior to meet), and work ½ of meet. The best seat at every meet.

Home Meets Only:

·         Set Up – Beginner position. Especially good for parents in 8 and under groups and can be done with small children. Set up pool deck, chairs, lane numbers, clerk of course area, starter/scoring tent & equipment. Please arrive no later than 5:00 PM.

·         Clean Up – Beginner position. Best for parents of kids swimming late events. Can be done with small children. Clean up and put equipment away after the meet. Ensure pool deck is left tidy. Recruit friends and strangers to help as the pool closes at 10.

·         Relay and Sweeps – Intermediate position. One person during relays (events 1-7 during first half, and events 52,53, 60-62) to confirm legal take-offs of all relays. One person to identify finishing order of all races.

  • Hospitality – Beginner position. Take drinks to volunteers during the meet.


We are looking for donations of drinks, candy, etc. for the concession stand. Please take a moment to see if there is anything you are willing to donate. Please bring items to practice prior to Tuesday. We have two home meets and funds made through the concession stand are used for the Sharks Swim Team. Concessions Donations: Concession Donations (

Make sure swimmers have the following:

  • Extra towels or extra clothing as evenings sometimes get cool.
  • Bathing suit
  • Sharpie (write their events on their arms)
  • Goggles
  • Water/Light Snacks (We will have a concession stand open with these items as well).