
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

Register today! *

   $60.00     1st Swimmer   
 $55.00     2nd Swimmer
     $45.00     3+ Swimmer

*If you register online there is a $5.00 additional fee to cover the cost of credit card transactions. This will be added only to the first child.

The absolute LAST DAY for sign ups will be June 14th. If your child(ren) aren’t signed up by this date they will be unable to participate for the season. As soon as we have a roster, we will post it on the bulletin board at the pool – please make sure that your child’s name is on the roster and let us know if it is does not appear.  We have a lot of Sharks to keep up with, so your cooperation is really appreciated in this matter!

You can choose to register in person during practice. Please bring exact change or have a check written out to “Broadway Sharks”.

Our first meet of the summer is next Tuesday, June 18!  As Sharon will explain, these meets are “organized chaos”.  It may seem like things are crazy, but we actually (mostly) have it under control!  Our first 2 meets are away meets, followed by 2 home meets at our pool here in Broadway.  For home meets, we need a lot more volunteers than for away meets.  If you are a first year swim parent, don’t worry about volunteering these first few meets.  Just watch your kids, have fun and take it easy.  We’ll hit you up next year.  Which brings me to…… Hey second year swim parents, guess what?  We need you! (and third, fourth, fifth year….)

We still need a lot of volunteers for our first meet. You can sign up here:

If you have not used signupgenius before, you will need to create an account.  Then you can sign up for anything year after year.  If you are having trouble and want me to sign you up, just let me know and I can do that for you.

Please sign up early.  In fact, click on the link and sign up now while you are thinking of it!  This helps keep my stress levels down as we get closer to our first meet. 

Here is a description of the positions that we need to have filled:

Timers: We need 6 timers for each half of the meet.  This is a front row seat to see all of the action!  No experience necessary.  We use ipods and cell phones as timing devices. You may use your own cell phone. You just need to stop the device when the swimmer in your lane touches the wall and check the swimmer number.  You are free to cheer as much as you want!

Relay Take Off Judges: This is a nice easy job.  You only need to work for the relay events.  There are relays at the start of meet for the first half, and then 2 sets of relays in the second half at the end of the meet.  We need 2 for each half.  No experience necessary.

Clerk of Course: Are you good at herding cats? Do you like to work with excited, sometimes nervous children?  Then this is the job for you!  In all seriousness, this is a fun job getting the swimmers in the right order and to the right lane for their swim. No experience necessary.  We need 2 for each half.  You can watch your child swim.

Stroke and Turn Judge: This is the one position that requires extra training.  If you missed the previous training’s but are still interested in this position, let me know.  We might try to schedule one more. This is good knowledge to have even if you don’t end up judging.  Certified judges, please sign up now!

We will be having training sessions tonight, Thursday, May 30, and Wednesday, June 5.  Both training’s will take place at JMU Godwin Hall (the same building as Champs) in Room 341 (third floor) from 6:30-8pm.  You do not need a parking pass.

We *really* need to have trained judges for the meets, and the judges need to attend one of these 2 training sessions.  If you would like to learn more about this position, please come to a training.  You are under no obligation to work as a judge if you attend the training.  It is great opportunity for parents to learn more about the strokes and the rules of swimming.  Please join us!

If you are interested in attending or have any questions about the job, please let me know.

Go Sharks!

Beth Arnold

Broadway Meet Director

New this year, magnetic car decals. You can purchase them for $5.00 during any practice.

Shark season starts tomorrow night! Our coaches will have signs with age groups; upon arrival, find your coach. We will have a meet and greet with the coaches along with talking about how practices work. If you will be signing up for the team during practice, please bring the attached Swimmer Application completed as that will help with registration. We will have a packet of information ready for you that contains Season Information. Be sure to sign up for text messages as this is how we will communicate any cancellations of practices. 

Our main fundraiser will be Duck Races on July 13th at 10 pm, at the Broadway Heritage Park. We will have 10 races with 60 ducks in each race. Ducks sell for $5 each or 5 ducks for $20 (for 5 races). We are asking our families to sell at least two ducks. We will have duck tickets available to assign or sell at each practice. Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each race.

We are offering a Junior Coach program for those swimmers that are 12 and over. This will be for the 10 & under practice. Please find information attached. If you are interested, please complete the form and bring with you on Tuesday. We will have a meeting to discuss the guidelines with Coach Richard at 6:45 pm.

Registration, Volunteer Sign-Up, and Concession Donation Sign-Up are all located on Sign-Up Genius via through this website. 

Looking forward to a GREAT season! 


The 2019 Sharks Gear order form is now available. Visit the Sharks Gear Page which can be found under the Team Spirit on the Home Page. Orders are due by Friday, June 14.

The Broadway Sharks Swim Team allows swimmers 12 years of age or older, also known as Junior Coaches, to assist during the 10 years and under swim practices. Below is the requirements the Junior Coaches agree to.

On Deck:  Follow the instructions of your Head Coach/Assistant Coach. Treat all swimmers equally; Build Self-esteem in each swimmer using encouragement and praise; Maintain a high level of sportsmanship at all times to promote team spirit. Communicate any misconduct to assigned coach.

Teaching Skills:  Implement the instructions of the Head Coach/Assistant Coaches; Demonstrate and/or proper stroke techniques with in-water presentation; Provide constructive feedback to all swimmers.

Conduct: Uphold safety rules at all times. As a Junior Coach you are being monitored by both parents and coaches. Maintain focus on the swimmers in your lane and be aware of their skills. Any misconduct observed by parents or coaches will be addressed and may result in forfeiting the Junior Coach position.

Responsibility:  Arrive early and prepared to begin practice on time; Assist Head Coach/Assistant Coaches with warm ups.  Assist Head Coach/Assistant Coaches in keeping swimmers actively in productive activity. Please have Head Coach or Assistant Coach sign the time sheet next to your name after each practice.

Reward:  For every 20 hours worked you will earn a $50 Amazon card. These will be distributed at the Good Luck Pot Luck Dinner.

To sign up to be a Junior Coach complete and submit the following form to the Head Swim Coach.

The VSL is hosting a Prep Rally at Broadway High School on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 from 7:00 – 8:30pm to prepare for the upcoming summer league season and we need you there!


Broadway High School
269 Gobbler Drive, Broadway, VA 22815
7:00 – 8:30pm

7:00 – 7:30 Intros and Concussion Protocol Presentation
7:30 – 8:30 Breakout Sessions (Coaches, Meet Directors, Starters, Volunteer Coordinators, Timers, Parents and Clerk of Course).

*Stroke & Turn Officials will be meeting separately for training: May 30th and June 5th from 6:30 -8:00pm at JMU Godwin #341.

An informational meeting will be held on Friday, May 17th at the Broadway Community Center at 6pm. Board Members will be present to answer your questions. If you are unable to attend, we understand. Please make sure you check out the website for important dates and information.

The next board meeting will take place on Sunday, May 5, 2019 at 6pm. It will be held at 9066 Indian Trail Road, Harrisonburg, VA.

Please contact a Board Member if you have any questions.