
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

Dear Shark Families,

We hope you are all doing well and staying healthy during these crazy times.  As the weather warms up, we are all dreaming about swimming. I wanted to give you an update on the Sharks swim team season.

As of now, the governor has a stay at home order through June 10.  We are hopeful that Broadway pool will be open at that time. Depending on the restrictions for crowds, we are hoping to be able to have a swim season. It may be a shortened season with fewer meets, or it may be a season with no meets at all. We are going to try to hold as much of the season as we can while following the guidelines for safety.  At this time, I don’t have much more than that to tell you.  I will keep you updated on what the Board of Directors is thinking as we move through these unprecedented times.  I will send another update mid-May and another at the beginning of June.  You are welcome to send me questions, but the most likely answers are going to be “I don’t know” and “We will have to wait and see”.

While you are staying at home, we would like to invite your swimmers to work on the contest for the Sharks 2020 t-shirt!  Here are the rules:

  • One entry per swimmer
  • Design MUST be on PLAIN 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper (printer paper or cardstock is fine)
  • Design must be limited to 2 colors. Black and white is fine but at most 2 colors

Hang onto your entries until swim season starts.  We may need to have the contest and voting online.  I’m sure you can come up with some creative entries for this unusual year!  Put your thinking caps on!

The Board is also looking for more people interested in helping with the season. We have different jobs available outside of the regular meet volunteer positions.  If you have been with the team for a year or more, consider attending a Board meeting and seeing what else is out there!  Let me know if you are interested.

If you would like to be removed from this email list, please respond with “Remove” and the email you would like to be removed.  If you know someone who should be added, please send me their email or have them email me.

Thank you!  Stay safe and stay healthy! We hope to see you this summer!

Go Sharks!

Beth Arnold and the Sharks Board of Directors

Lets try again to celebrate an AWESOME season with a pool party on Monday, August 12 beginning at 7:15pm. Bring a snack to share. We will be handing out any awards, t-shirts, ribbons, and Champs ribbons at that time. 

Thanks to all the volunteers and parents that helped make it a successful meet. For many of you this was your first year swimming in Champs and it can be chaotic and fun; hopefully it all went well for you.

Thanks for a JAWsome year!

To celebrate an AWESOME season we will be having a pool party Monday, August 5 beginning at 7:15pm. Bring a snack to share. We will be handing out any awards, t-shirts, ribbons, and Champs ribbons at that time. 

Thanks to all the volunteers and parents that helped make it a successful meet. For many of you this was your first year swimming in Champs and it can be chaotic and fun; hopefully it all went well for you.

Thanks for a JAWsome year!

Check out the document below to help you get ready for Champs this Saturday, July 27, 2019.

Open the document below to see the entries for Champs.

Thank you everyone for your participation in the Duck Races. The document below shows all of the winners! If you haven’t already please see Sharon to pick up your prize.

Monday, July 22nd                                             Morning and Evening Practices

Tuesday, July 23rd                                             Morning practice with the Evening Practice at JMU (Godwin Hall) at 7pm to 8pm

Wednesday, July 24th                                        Morning practice and Good Luck Pot Luck Dinner – Broadway High School Commons at 6:15pm

Thursday, July 25th                                            Morning and Evening Practices

Friday, July 26th                                                 Morning practice and Poster Making at JMU at 6:30pm at Godwin Hall in the Gym.

Volunteers are still needed for the next meet at Massanutten (7.17) and Champs at JMU (7.27). Please take a moment to sign up by using the following link.

You can pre-order your Champs heat sheets NOW for $5 by emailing and pick up on Thursday/Friday prior to Champs.

A potluck dinner will be held at Broadway High School on Wednesday, July 24th, 2019 beginning at 6:15PM.

This event is for parents, swimmers, grandparents, siblings, and more. Each family is asked to bring two dishes within your designated category based on last name (see below).

A – D – Desserts
E – L – Some type of meat or main dish
M – S – Some type of veggie
T – Z – Some type of salad

There will be A LOT going on during the evening – we will start with the meal. Then all swimmers will be recognized and given awards. This is the time that any milestone awards will be distributed (3rd year sweatshirts, 5th year bags, etc.).

RAFFLES – we will being doing a raffle for at our Good Luck Pot Luck dinner at the dinner to raise money for the additional coaching needs for this year: various items that will be drawn throughout the evening to include: 3 stuffed sharks, towels, Shark Bed Spreads, Shark towels, Shark wall decals, etc.

PICTURES – please submit your pictures to be featured on a PowerPoint presentation to

Our next swim meet is Tuesday, July 9th at HOME vs Spotswood Country Club.

Please feel free to come early for set-up; we will have access to the pool at 4pm.

Swimmers will be to be at the pool at 4:45pm, with warm ups beginning at 5pm. The meet will begin at 6pm and conclude no later than 10pm.

At least four (4) volunteers are still needed, please sign up today by clicking here.

Click here to view the line up.