
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

We are less than a week away from the first practice and it is finally feeling like summer!

2024 Coaches: 

Head Coach: Amanda Nesslerodt 

Assistant Coaches: Anna, Easton, Carla & George

Contract with Town of Broadway: 

Again this year, we have a contract with the Town of Broadway as we use their pool. Erica Kann is the liaison between the swim team and both the pool and town. Jane Villard will be the liaison between the swim team and the pool during swim meets as Erica will most likely be absent during most swim meets. Below are highlights from the contract:

  • No one is allowed inside the pool area before 7:10 PM
  • All chairs and pool equipment must be returned to their original position
  • Inspect and tidy/clean bathrooms and other spaces within the gated area before departure
  • No one is allowed inside the pool area before 4 PM on home swim meet days. Pool staff will provide permission when we can enter.


We will do our best to notify you of practice cancellations as early as possible. Cancellations are due to weather (storms) or unexpected pool maintenance. Practice is held if it is just raining and there is visibility at the bottom of the pool. The Broadway Sharks uses the RemindMe as our communication platform. Download the Remind App; Class Name is Broadway Sharks 2024 (if you were in the Broadway Sharks 2023 you are still in the group); Class Code @bwaysharks.

Website: is a GREAT place to find information. There is a calendar, announcements, addresses for pool locations, more about swim meets, and more.

2 Week Glance:

Tuesday, May 28 – Test the Waters: Only for young new swimmers

Wednesday, May 29 – Stroke & Turn Training (In-person JMU led by Aaron Hewitt)

Thursday, May 30 – First Night of Practice: 7:00 – 8:00 PM Little Sharks (10&Under)/8:00 – 9:00 PM Big Sharks (11&Up)

Monday, June 3 – Evening Practice Only

Tuesday, June 4 – Evening Practice Only & Parents Meeting at 7:30 PM

Wednesday, June 5 – Evening Practice Only

Thursday, June 6 – Evening Practice Only

Friday, June 7 – Last Day to Register for the Team & No Refunds