
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

Hello Sharks,

Please sign up for this week’s practices NOW.  Directions are on the sign up.  Make sure you sign the right swimmer up for the right practice.  You may sign up for 4 (out of a possible 9) practices before 7pm today.  After that, we will allow swimmers to sign up for open slots (greater than 4).  If you are flexible with when you can swim (mornings or evenings), please sign up for times when there is the most availability.

Sign up here:

Volunteer Positions: Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to volunteer!  We need to have all the positions filled for each practice the day before practice starts.  Here are instructions for each position:

Check-in/Check Out Volunteer – Arrive 15 minutes before practice.  You will be given a list of swimmers to sign in.  Find their name on the list.  Check them off and give them their lane assignment (if available).  Then send them to have their temperature checked and answer the questions. Write down names of any spectators, parents, volunteers or coaches going on deck.  Make sure no more than 50 on deck at any time.  After practice, make sure swimmers connect with parents as they leave the pool. Please bring a mask and wear it while checking in or checking out people. You do not need to wear the mask when not interacting with swimmers. Bring a chair if you would like to sit and watch practice.  Watch for late comers.

Temperature and Restroom Volunteer – Arrive 15 min before practice. Scan every person who enters the pool area including coaches, volunteers, swimmers and Board members.  Temperatures of 100.4 or higher will not be allowed in the pool gates. Ask list of questions (provided).  Incorrect answers will not be allowed in the pool gate.  During practice, please sit near the restrooms and make sure there is no more than 1 swimmer in the rest room at a time. Bring your own chair.  Please bring a mask and wear it when scanning temperatures and walking (young) swimmers to the rest room. We will provide gloves for temperature scanning.  You do not need to wear mask when not interacting with swimmers. After practice, help wipe down ladders, furniture and restrooms (if used).

Social Distance Monitor Volunteer– Please arrive 10 minutes early and jump to the front of the check in line. Before practice make sure swimmers put their belongings on the ground (not on the furniture) at least 10 feet from another swimmer’s things.  Swimmers are required to stay 10 feet from each other.  You are monitoring this when they are NOT in the water.  Please ask any parents/spectators to maintain their distance.  Please bring a mask.  You do not need to wear mask when not interacting with swimmers. After practice, help wipe down ladders, furniture and restrooms (if used).

Lane Monitor Volunteer – Arrive before practice starts and jump to the front of the check in line.  During practice, stand at the opposite end of the pool from the coaches and ask swimmers to stay in the middle of their lanes, not hanging on the lane lines.  During Big Sharks 2, make sure no more than 3 swimmers are in the lane at a time. Keep an eye on the pool. Please bring a mask.  You do not need to wear mask when not interacting with swimmers. After practice, help wipe down ladders, furniture and restrooms (if used).

Please bring a signed waiver with you to the pool as well as payment – exact change or check made out to Broadway Sharks – in an envelope clearly marked with your swimmer’s name(s).  Do not seal the envelope. If you would like to pay by credit card, someone will call you.

Missed the registration deadline? We may have room for Sharks who swam last year or swimmers in the Broadway school district. Please sign up for the waiting list here:

Can’t wait to see you in the pool!

Beth Arnold and the Sharks Board of Directors