
Home of the Broadway, VA Sharks Swim Team

Hello Sharks!

It’s (finally) that time again! Time to get geared up for the Broadway Sharks Summer League swim season; please read through the following information to help you get ready for the 2020 Shark Season! You may utilize the team website ( to receive updates and review our calendar. This year swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool to join. This is because, in order to maintain social distancing, we will not have junior coaches in the pool helping little sharks across the pool.

  1. Practices (June 15th-July 31st): Swimmers will be assigned to a practice group based on their age and ability. You will be informed of your child’s assignment by email.
  2. Schedule Monday through Friday AM: First group’s practice will start at 8:00 am and the last group’s practice will end at 10:20 am
  3. Schedule Monday through Thursday PM: The first group’s practice will start at 7:10 pm and the last group’s practice will end at  9:30 pm
  4. Pick up and Drop off: Swimmers will enter practice through the main gate and exit at the side gate. Whoever is providing transportation for your swimmer should meet your swimmer near the side gate when you see them approaching. Parents/guardian’s should not leave the immediate area (pool parking lot or park) in the event swimmers need to be dismissed, including due to weather. Only Little Sharks practice may have parents/spectators on deck.  All other practices parents/spectators must watch from outside the gates.
  5. Signing up for practices: Volunteers and swimmers will sign up for practices using Signup Genius. You can register for a FREE Sign Up Genius account to sign up your swimmer. Each Wednesday signups for the next week will open. Swimmers may initially sign up for up to 4 practices each week. On Sunday, swimmers may sign up for additional practices if openings are available. We must have parent volunteers in order to hold practice. To make it easy for you, signups for volunteers and swimmers are included in the same sign up. If you find you cannot make a practice that you signed up for, please sign OUT asap so that someone else can sign up in your spot. Practice sign up link for each week will be emailed and available on our website.
  6. Coming to practice: Please arrive to practice no more than 10 minutes before the start of practice and no later than the time of the start of practice. Please maintain proper distance in line to check in.  Come ready to swim with suit on.  All swimmers, volunteers and on-deck spectators will need to be signed in, have their temperature checked, and answer a few questions. Do not enter the pool area if you have not signed in! If you are visiting the pool before 7pm, come out and sign in before starting practice.
  7. Leaving practice: Please exit the pool immediately after practice.  You will exit through the side gate and be checked out.  Do not use the locker room to change. We have less than 10 minutes to change over from one practice to the next.
  8. Practice Cancelled Notification:We will do our best to notify you of practice cancellations as early as possible. Cancellations will be announced as an email and  text. If you did not include your cell phone number (for texts) on your child(ren)’s registration form and want to be added to the text messaging list, please email Robin Anderson at

2) Meet Information: Due to COVID, if we hold meets (and we plan on holding at least 2 meets), they will be virtual meets. With virtual meets, each team swims at its own pool and times are combined electronically to determine place.

3) Annual Team T-shirt:  2020 T-shirt designs are due June 22nd; vote at Thursday night practice (June 25th) and orders due July 2nd by evening practice. Team names are on the back of the shirt. 

4) Pictures: Pictures at the pool on Thursday, June 25th – Please fill out the order form before arriving at the pool and have payment ready (check and exact cash only) to minimize the exchange of items. Order forms will be available at practice prior to photo day.

5) Fee Schedule: 1st swimmer $ 65.00, 2nd swimmer $ 55.00, 3rd swimmer & additional $ 45.00 Please note that you will need to bring exact change or a check made payable to “Broadway Sharks” (sorry, we won’t have change available at signups). Swimmers and parents must sign a waiver before their first practice.  Waiver is attached to this email.  Please print and bring to first practice. Payment and waiver must be placed in an envelope (not sealed) that is clearly marked with swimmer names. Credit card payments can be taken over the phone. Please bring payment to the first practice. All payments are due by Thursday practice on June 18th. Swimmers will not be allowed to practice without payment after this date.

6) Facebook Page: Please go and join the group and then add your Facebook friends that are also members of the Sharks. Here is the link for the Sharks Facebook page, this is a closed group: 

7) COVID-19 Guidelines: Please read and adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines in the attached document.  We risk losing our ability to practice at Broadway Pool if these guidelines are not followed.  Please set a good example for all.

8) Contact information: Our head coach is Richard Morrell ( Board members include: 

Andrea Strawderman 
Lanette Smith 
Erica Kann 
Sharon Armentrout
Beth Arnold 
Shawna Messerley 
Amanda Holsinger 
Tricia Johnson 
Marissa Keagy 
Robin Anderson 

We are always open for comments and suggestions, so feel free to contact us!