2018 Shark Swim Season
- Written by: Kanne
- Category: Uncategorized
- Published: May 7, 2018
It’s that time again! Time to get geared up for the Broadway Sharks Summer League swim season; please read through the following information to help you get ready for the 2018 Shark Season!
Please utilize the website to receive updates and review calendar: www.bwaysharks.com
Last day to sign up for Sharks is June 15th
Must be able to swim the length of the pool to attend a meet
Parent Meeting – Friday, May 25th at 6pm at the Broadway Community Center
Head Coach: Richard Morrell broadwayheadcoach@gmail.com
Registration Dates: On-line Registration starts Monday, May 1st via Sign-Up Genius
Register during any practices up until Friday, June 15th
Practice Schedule:
May 29th -June 8th
Monday through Friday
7:10– 8:00 pm 10 & under swimmers
8:00 – 9:00 pm 11 & over swimmers
AM practices start June 11th
Monday through Friday
8:45 – 9:30 am 10 & under swimmers
9:30 – 10:30 am 11 & over swimmers
Beginning June 18th
Evening practices stay the same with the exception of Tuesday night meets
Morning practices are Monday, Thursday and Friday
Practice Cancelled Notification: We will do our best to notify you of practice cancellations as early as possible. Cancellations will be announced as an e-mail and/or website. If you would like to be notified via text, please e-mail your information to Sharon at armentrout.sharon@va.sysco.com
MEET Information:
Last day to sign up for the first meet is June 15th
To sign your swimmers in or out of the meet please do so by noon on the Friday before the Tuesday meet:
The Book will be available at practice
On-line sign up (link will be posted on the website)
Contact coach after Friday deadline if something changes
Swim Meet event information will be posted on Sunday/Monday prior to meet via e-mail and website
Swim Suits: Please purchase your swim suits early in order to receive it in time for the first meet. We are utilizing Sports Fair as our swim shop and they will be on-site June 13th in the evening for purchases. We will do a swim suit swap the first week of practice.
Volunteers: see additional info below (sign up using Sign-Up Genius)
Concessions –Amanda Holsinger amtoscan@vt.edu
Timers, Runners, Stroke & Turn – contact Beth Arnold arnoldeaa@gmail.com
Shark Gear:
Order due June 15th by evening practice
Check the website for order form
Please note that this is different than the annual team t-shirt.
Annual Team T-shirt:
2018 T-shirt designs are due June 12th; vote on picture night (June 15th) and orders due June 22nd by evening practice. Team names are on the back of the shirt.
Pictures: Pictures at the pool on June 15th – individuals at 6pm and team at 7pm (rain date June ?)
Awards / Milestones: Awards will be given for those swimmers who are in their 2nd, 5th and 10th year with the Sharks (If your child has hit one of these milestones, please email Amy Nesselrodt at thenesselrodts@gmail.com so the award can be ordered – information due no later than June 22nd). Please put “Shark Awards” in the subject line.
Good Luck Pot Luck Dinner: July 26th at the Broadway High School Commons at 6:15pm
July 28th at Godwin Hall on JMU’s campus
Swimmers must have participated in two meets in order to swim at Champs
Heat Sheet Ads
FEE SCHEDULE: 1st swimmer $ 60.00
2nd swimmer $ 55.00
3rd swimmer & additional $ 45.00
When registering, please note that you will need to bring exact change or a check made payable to “Broadway Sharks” (sorry, we won’t have change available at signups.)
BOARD MEMBERS: Below is a list of the current Board Members along with their email addresses. We are always open for comments and suggestions, so feel free to contact us:
Andrea Strawderman astrawderman115@yahoo.com
Amy Nesselrodt thenesselrodts@gmail.com
Sharon Armentrout Armentrout.Sharon@va.sysco.com
Beth Arnold arnoldeaa@gmail.com
Shawna Messerley shawna.messerley@gmail.com
Amanda Holsinger amtoscan@vt.edu
Tricia Johnson Tricia@altsabstracts.com
Monday, May 1st On-line Registration Opens
Friday, May 25th 6 PM Parent meeting at Broadway Community Center
Tuesday, May 29th See prior info First practice of the season
Thursday, May 31st 6:30 – 8 PM Stroke & Turn Clinic at JMU’s Godwin Hall, Classroom #TBD
Wednesday, June 6th 6:30 – 8 PM Stroke & Turn Clinic at JMU’s Godwin Hall, Classroom #TBD
Monday, June 12th Team T-shirt designs due (voting on June 15th during picture night)
Wednesday, June 13th Swim Suit Order (on-site during evening practice)
Friday, June 15th Last day to sign up to participate in the 1st Meet
Friday, June 15th Last day to sign up to participate for the season
Friday, June 15th 6 PM Pictures – at the pool (Individuals @ 6 – Team @ 7)
Friday, June 15th “Sharks Gear” orders due, (not same as team t-shirt)
Tuesday, June 19th 6 PM 1st Meet HOME – Massanutten
Friday, June 22nd See prior info Info for Shark awards due
Friday, June 22nd Team T-shirt orders due
TBD 6 PM Team Pictures – Rain Date – at the pool
Tuesday, June 26th 6 PM 2nd Meet HOME – ERRA
Tuesday, July 3rd 6 PM 3rd Meet HOME- Ashby
Tuesday, July 10h 6 PM 4th Meet AWAY – Westover
Tuesday, July 17th 6 PM 5th Meet AWAY – Spotswood
Thursday, July 26th 6:15 PM Good Luck Pot Luck Dinner – Broadway High School Commons
Saturday, July 28th Valley Swim League Championship Meet
Godwin Hall – JMU
SIGN UPS: Please note that if you have not signed your child up by June 15th; they will not be able to swim in the first meet. The absolute LAST DAY for sign ups will be June 15th. As soon as we have a roster, we will post it on the bulletin board at the pool – please make sure that your child’s name is on the roster and let us know if it is does not appear.
VOLUNTEERS: As with every other sport, the Sharks need volunteers. Positions range from timer to concessions to runners to stroke & turn judges. If you have any interest in any volunteer position, please contact Sharon Armentrout (271-1389, armentrout.sharon@va.sysco.com) or Beth Arnold arnoldeaa@gmail.com – there will also be sign up sheets at practices and on-line on Sign-Up Genius.
CONCESSIONS: At each of our home meets, we will provide concessions. This is an excellent fundraising opportunity for us and keeps the cost of our program to a minimum. This year we will need parent volunteers to cook/serve during the meets, and we are hoping to get LOTS of volunteers – the more folks we have helping out, the less time each will need to work! Also, we will need some food to be donated by parents – the more donations – the more money we have for the kids! Items for donation will be posted on Sign Up Genius. Our Concession Lead is Amanda Holsinger.
MISSING A MEET: Please notify our coaches by using “The Book” to sign out your swimmer from a meet. This book will be at all practices. Please make a note of any meets that your child will miss by the preceding Thursday of the meet – that will allow time to put meet entries together by the following Monday. Don’t forget – in order to swim in the Championship Meet on July 28th, each swimmer must participate in at least 2 regular season meets!
CHAMPS: The VSL Championship Meet will be held this year at Godwin Hall on JMU’s campus, and the Sharks are responsible for Champs t-shirt and heat sheets.
HEAT SHEET ADS: As a team, we are responsible for providing advertisements to put into the Heat Sheet. This is a great way to advertise your business or just wish your swimmer GOOD LUCK. Ads and payments must be turned in to Sharon by mid July, but it’s never too early – check with local businesses to see if they would be willing to sponsor an ad. See attached for sizes and cost.
EMAIL ADDRESS: We will be providing information during the season via e-mail and the website. Please be sure to have your e-mail updated at registration or contact Sharon at 271-1389 (armentrout.sharon@va.sysco.com)
FACEBOOK PAGE: Please go and join the group and then add your Facebook friends that are also members of the Sharks. Here is the link for the Sharks Facebook page, this is a closed group: